- Our store is the biggest dealer in Cloisonne ware here.
Gemstone cloisonneImitation cloisonne and method of making the sameChinese and Japanese cloisonne enamelsThe Origin and Appreciation of Cloisonne WorksCLOISONNE-ENAMELED PORCELAIN:EVOLUTION OF THE TERM,LOCATING AND DATING OF ITS MANUFACTURESome histochemical studies of "cloisonne kidney"in the male angora goatThe Pattern of Cloisonne Enamel Porcelain Interior and its“Title of Reign Inspiration effects”Fishing and Farming Pictures on Cloisonne Enameled Porcelain of Yongzheng Period: A Case StudyBlood and urinary levels of metals (Pb, Cr, Cd, Mn, Sb, Co and Cu) in cloisonne workers.Pigmented thickeningof the basement membranes of the renal tubules of the goat ("cloisonne kidney").