- Cochlea is spiral-shaped part of the inner ear.
耳蜗是内耳里螺旋状的部分。 - If you have ever seen a snail shell, you know how a cochlea looks.
The active cochleaThe active cochlea.Mechanics of the mammalian cochlea.Representation of cochlea within primary auditory cortex in the cat.Gap junctions in the rat cochlea: immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis.Intracellular studies of hair cells in the mammalian cochleaNeurotransmitters and neuromodulators of the mammalian cochlea.Expression of the gap-junction connexins 26 and 30 in the rat cochleaBasilar-membrane responses to clicks at the base of the chinchilla cochleaPreliminary biochemical characterization of the stereocilia and cuticular plate of hair cells of the chick cochlea.