Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis).The Red-cockaded Woodpecker: Surviving in a Fire-Maintained EcosystemRainfall, El Niño, and Reproduction of Red-cockaded WoodpeckersSociality and cooperative breeding of red-cockaded woodpeckers, Picoides borealisTest of the Ecological Basis of Cooperative Breeding in Red-Cockaded WoodpeckersBETWEEN‐YEAR BREEDING DISPERSAL IN RED‐COCKADED WOODPECKERS: MULTIPLE CAUSES AND ESTIMATED COSTINBREEDING DEPRESSION AND ITS EFFECTS ON NATAL DISPERSAL IN RED-COCKADED WOODPECKERSWood Thrush Movements and Habitat Use: Effects of Forest Management for Red-Cockaded WoodpeckersSPECIES-CENTERED ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: INDIRECT EFFECTS OF FIRE HISTORY ON RED-COCKADED WOODPECKERSApplication of Ecological Principles to the Management of Endangered Species: The Case of the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker