- Gourmet coffee comes from the best coffee beans of coffea arabica.
极品咖啡源于最好的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。 - Banna in the tropical crop research institute can buy up the processing of Coffea arabica, is the best gift to friends and relatives.
Bee pollination and fruit set of Coffea arabica and C. canephora (Rubiaceae)An annotated taxonomic conspectus of the genus Coffea (Rubiaceae)Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA variation in Coffea L.Towards a Phylogeny for Coffea (Rubiaceae): identifying well-supported lineages based on nuclear and plastid DNA sequences.In situ hybridization identifies the diploid progenitor species of Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae)High frequency induction of somatic embryos in cultured leaf expiants of Coffea arabica L. 1Genetic diversity for RAPD markers between cultivated and wild accessions of Coffea arabicaSSR mining in coffee tree EST databases: potential use of EST-SSRs as markers for the Coffea genus.Interspecific genetic linkage map, segregation distortion and genetic conversion in coffee (Coffea sp.).Origin, diversity and evolution of NBS-type disease-resistance gene homologues in coffee trees (Coffea L.).