- Collocation uses all sorts of adornment data.
搭配使用各种装饰材料。 - Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation.
Collocation at Gaussian Points
Collocation Software for Boundary-Value ODEs
Teaching collocation : further developments in the lexical approach
An Elliptic Collocation-Finite Element Method with Interior Penalties
Discovery of Collocation Patterns: from Visual Words to Visual Phrases
Teaching Collocation: Further Developments in the Lexical Approach by Michael Lewis
Algorithm 569: COLSYS: Collocation Software for Boundary-Value ODEs [D2]
Algorithm 569: COLSYS: Collocation Software for Boundary-Value ODEs [D2]
Direct trajectory optimization using nonlinear programming and collocation
Direct trajectory optimization using nonlinear programming and collocation