- Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form.
开了花,但没有结果。 - It leads to no result keeping arguing like this.
When hopes come to naught. The question of Italian communists' participation in government and the failure of a particular strategy,...
Arts: Pop - When Simple Things Come to Naught ; ZERO 7 SHEPHERD'S BUSH EMPIRE LONDON
Plans that come to naught
How the Minimum Wage Plan has come to naught in our Country
NUT Fighting Talk Will Come to Naught till the Autumn: News
Cape Soccer Academy's Promises Come to Naught
Tide Turns for Buckman, Johnston Land Deals; Lengthy Attempts at Transactions Have Come to Naught
The Prosperity has Come to Naught in No Time:A Historical Narration of Xing Guo Luo-jin
Elgin's Comeback Goes for Naught in Overtime Loss to Sandburg
Football: Naught to Fret over as Cardiff Come Back to Beat Minnows