Commercial breakCommercial breakCommercial BreakSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TAKING CONTROL OF A SYSTEM DURING A COMMERCIAL BREAKCommercial-break detection deviceSynergy or interference: : the effect of product placement on commercial break audience declineViewing of commercial break content during fast-forwarding of a video streamThe impact of pre-commercial break announcements on audience identification of official Olympic sponsors: a case studyViewing of commercial break content during fast-forwarding of a video streamConsuming the commercial break : an ethnographic study of the potential audiences for television advertisingThe Impact of Commercial Break Position on Advertising Effectiveness in Different Mood ConditionsReviewing the Constitutionality of Commercial-break Ads Regulation for Terrestrial Broadcasting - Focusing on Freedom of Broadcastin...SOUND TECHNIQUES AND FIGURATIVE LANGUAGES OF FOOD AND DRINK COMMERCIAL BREAK TAGLINES