- The two ends of the wire are connected to a split-ring commutator.
BRUSH FOR THE COMMUTATOR OF AN ELECTRIC MACHINECommutator estimates and the euler and navier-stokes equationsC 0 -groups, commutator methods and spectral theory of N-body HamiltoniansA balanced commutator for switched reluctance motors to reduce torque rippleMultiple commutator estimates and resolvent smoothness in quantum scattering theoryHadron masses and the sigma commutator in light of chiral perturbation theory ☆Miniature motorized microdrive and commutator system for chronic neural recording in small animalsComment on "Commutator of the Quark Mass Matrices in the Standard Electroweak Model and a Measure of Maximal Nonconservation."Characterization of the Besov spaces via the commutator operator of Coifman,Rochberg and WeissCurvature and Tangential Deflection of Discrete Arcs: A Theory Based on the Commutator of Scatter Matrix Pairs and Its Application t...