Spices, condiments, and seasoningsMineral contents of some plants used as condiments in TurkeyFOODS, BEVERAGES, CONDIMENTS, SPICES AND SALAD DRESSINGS WITH SPECIALIZED SUPPLEMENTSSpices, condiments and medicinal plants in Ethiopia, their taxonomy and agricultural significance.Inhibitory activity of Thai condiments on pandemic strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticusSurvival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in Acidic CondimentsAssociation between consumption of cruciferous vegetables and condiments and excretion in urine of isothiocyanate mercapturic acidsCarotene content of some common (cereals, pulses, vegetables, spices and condiments) and unconventional sources of plant originEstimation of minerals, nitrate and nitrite contents of medicinal and aromatic plants used as spices, condiments and herbal teaSurvey of arsenic and its speciation in rice products such as breakfast cereals, rice crackers and Japanese rice condiments.