- Almost half said they go without condoms when having vaginal sex.
近一半的人说在进行阴道性交时不使用避孕套。 - Instead of weakening sensitivity, some condoms do boost sexual pleasure.
Effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV transmission.
Effectiveness of condoms in reducing heterosexual transmission of HIV.
Effectiveness of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted infections.
The Effectiveness of Condoms in Reducing Heterosexual Transmission of HIV
Effect of Condoms on Reducing the Transmission of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 From Men to Women
Do condoms prevent genital HPV infection, external genital warts, or cervical neoplasia? A meta-analysis.
'I think condoms are good but, aai, I hate those things': condom use among adolescents and young people in a Southern African township
Parent-adolescent discussions about sex and condoms: impact on peer influences of sexual risk behavior.
Predicting Intentions to Use Condoms: A Meta‐Analysis and Comparison of the Theories of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior1
Association between use of spermicide-coated condoms and Escherichia coli urinary tract infection in young women