Fold confiner for bed clothing
Electro-stimulating massage confiner
Déconfiner l’expertise sur les faibles doses de rayonnements ionisants
Impact of compatibility of confiner polymers on the macromolecular mobility of PLA
Magnetic Monopole Loops supported by a Meron pair as the Quark Confiner
Comment aborder les controverses ? Analyser, enseigner et confiner les conflits socio-techniques
A new description of lattice Yang-Mils theory and non-Abelian monopoles as the quark confiner
Comportement de la mousse en milieu poreux pour confiner une source de pollution : potentialités, contraintes et démonstration en ...
Topological configurations of Yang-Mills field responsible for magnetic-monopole loops as quark confiner
Rationally Designed Nitrogen-Rich Metal–Organic Cube Material: An Efficient CO2 Adsorbent and H2 Confiner