conformal mapping保角映射;共形映象
conformal transformation保角变换,保角映射;保形变换,共形变换
Optical conformal mapping.Conformal invariance, supersymmetry and string theoryInfinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theoryINFINITE CONFORMAL SYMMETRY IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORYLeast squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generationLeast squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generationGeometric and renormalized entropy in conformal field theoryDose escalation with three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy affects the outcome in prostate cancer: will more prove better?Comparison of conventional-dose vs high-dose conformal radiation therapy in clinically localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate: a r...1043 Dose, volume, and function relationships in parotid salivary glands following conformal and intensity modulated irradiation of ...