Processes for conjointly producing bromine and calcium chlorideInheritance conjointly contributing to fibrinolysis and hyperlipidemia ☆Process for conjointly preparing methyl tert.-butyl ether and obtaining isobuteneBirds of a feather flock conjointly (?): rhyme as reason in aphorismsObservations of conjointly hospitalized "alcoholic couples"during sobriety and intoxication: implications for theory and therapyExpression of adipose differentiation-related protein (ADRP) is conjointly regulated by PU.1 and AP-1 in macrophagesKinins act on B1 or B2 receptors to release conjointly endothelium‐derived relaxing factor and prostacyclin from bovine aortic endo...Single strand DNA-binding proteins and thyroid transcription factor-1 conjointly regulate thyrotropin receptor gene expressionReduced cardiac uptake and enhanced washout of 123I-MIBG in pure autonomic failure occurs conjointly with Parkinson's disease and de...Genotypes of the cytochrome p450 isoform, CYP2C9, and the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 conjointly determine stable ...