conjoined twins联胎;联体双胎;联体双生儿
Conjoined-Core Chip Multiprocessing
Conjoined twins in the united states, 1970-1977.
Performance analysis of conjoined supply chains
Surgical experience with thirteen conjoined twins
Anatomic description of conjoined twins: a plea for standardized terminology.
Micro-storage device capable of being conjoined with a personal adornment
Theoretical and analytical embryology of conjoined twins: part I: embryogenesis
Theoretical and analytical embryology of conjoined twins: Part II: Adjustments to union †
[Conjoined twins--diagnostic problems, difficult decisions in choosing the most optimal management in one of the rarest pathologies ...
One-stage reconstruction of the nose. The island frontal flap and the "conjoined"frontal flap.