- But by thinking constructively about how to broach a difficult subject, you might make it productive, for everyone.
但是,通过建设性地去考虑如何提出一个困难话题,你也许为每个人减少了谈话的痛苦,增加了谈话的成果。 - The conjunction of Mars and Saturn shows that you can use your energies constructively.
Arguments for Constructively Simple Models
Polymorphism is set theoretic, constructively
Polymorphism is Set Theoretic, Constructively.
Transforming Critical Thinking: Thinking Constructively.
Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading.
Managing project risk and uncertainty: A constructively simple approach to decision making
Learning to reflect and to attribute constructively as basic components of self-regulated learning.
The routinization of innovation research: a constructively critical review of the state-of-the-science
The routinization of innovation research: a constructively critical review of the state﹐f‐the﹕cience
Chapter 1: Marginalized Discourses and Pedagogies: Constructively Confronting Science for All in Classroom Practice