- The other major cause of disjunction is CONTNENTAL DRIFT.
另外一个造成间断的原因是大陆漂移。 - A few writers have suggested that perhaps continental drift causes polar wandering.
Continental DriftContinental driftContinental driftA continental drift ‘flip book’Sea‐floor spreading and continental driftIranian Geology and Continental Drift in the Middle EastContinental drift, paleoclimatology, and the evolution and biogeography of birdsFinite amplitude convective cells and continental driftA symposium on continental drift - The fit of the continents around the AtlanticContinental Drift and Phanerozoic Carbonate Accumulation in Shallow‐Shelf and Deep‐Marine SettingsA New Class of Faults and their Bearing on Continental DriftEvolutionary biology of the new world monkeys and continental driftCorrection to paper by Xavier Le Pichon ‘Sea-floor spreading and continental drift’