- He was to be contrite and wish to be reconciled.
他必须感到悔悟,并且希望得到赦免。 - He made a contrite apology.
他深表懊悔地致歉。 - The look she gave Anna was guilty and contrite.
她给安娜的脸色是内疚和愧悔的。 - She was contrite the whole morning after her angry outburst.
Egypt's Contrite Commander
Contrite Coon Will Serve Up to 20 Years
Contrite Hearts: Lay Clergie in Late Medieval England
A contrite heart : prosecution and redemption in the Carolingian empire
Once confident, a now contrite Rex Ryan seems to have lost the Bills
Peirce the contrite fallibilist, convinced pragmaticist, and critical commonsensist
Firey, Abigail, A Contrite Heart: Prosecution and Redemption in the Carolingian Empire
A Contrite Heart: Prosecution and Redemption in the Carolingian Empire. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 145) by Abi...
Peirce and education: contemporary reflections in the spirit of a contrite fallibilist