- The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible.
群众的智慧是无穷的。 - If that happens, the wisdom of crowds will have arrived at a juncture that truly rivals the musings of the most seasoned pundits.
若真如此,群众的智慧将抵达一个关口,而能够真正与经验丰富的权威人士的想法一较高下。 - He hit the American scene like a thunderclap, upended our politics, shattered decades of conventional wisdom and overcame centuries of the social pecking order.
Conventional Wisdom
Conventional Wisdom
STAR*D: revising conventional wisdom
Conventional wisdom on measurement: A structural equation perspective.
Contradicting conventional wisdom in constraint satisfaction
Conical Intersections: The New Conventional Wisdom
of Metropolitan Manufacturing Decline : Testing Conventional Wisdom
Do Crises Induce Reform? Simple Empirical Tests of Conventional Wisdom
The challenge of pervasive software to the conventional wisdom of software engineering
A challenge to the conventional wisdom that simultaneous etching and resin infiltration always occurs in self-etch adhesives
The apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella: flies in the face of conventional wisdom
Using cognitive theory to explain entrepreneurial risk-taking: Challenging conventional wisdom