Doctor Samuel Johnson: 'the great convulsionary' a victim of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome.The Ultrastructure of the Young Rabite in Convulsionary Brain Trauma and Change of NSEThe Convulsionary Samuel Johnson and the Miaowing of MozartThe Convulsionary Samuel Johnson and the Miaowing of MozartConvulsionary miracles and women in print culture in France, 1737-1747Ethos in Testimony: The Case of Carré de Montgeron, a Jansenist and a Convulsionary in the Century of Enlightenment[Convulsionary constitution and symptomatic epilepsy]Treatment of convulsionary brain paralysis with high alternative rhizotomyAnalgesic and Anticonvulsionary Effects of 'Ssanghwa-Tang'Levels of serum S100B protein,BDNF and IGF-1 and clinical significance in infants with epilepsy