Institutional Change and the Transformation of Interorganizational Fields: An Organizational History of the U.S. Radio Broadcasting ...
Understanding the minimum clinically important difference: a review of concepts and methods.
Minimum clinically important difference in lumbar spine surgery patients: a choice of methods using the Oswestry Disability Index, M...
124. The Minimum Clinically Important Difference in Lumbar Spine Surgery Patients: A Choice of Methods Using the Oswestry Disability...
Institutional Change and the Transformation of the U.S. Radio Broadcasting Industry
A benefit-based copay for prescription drugs: patient contribution based on total benefits, not drug acquisition cost.
Police academy fitness training at the Police Training Institute, University of Illinois
Effect of a Three-Tier Prescription Copay on Pharmaceutical and Other Medical Utilization
Defining substantial clinical benefit following lumbar spine arthrodesis.
Method and apparatus for delivering a pharmaceutical prescription copay counselor over an internet protocol network