Corky set
Tomato corky root control by antagonistic microorganism treatments of soil.
Transmission of the corky-bark disease by the mealybugPlanococcus ficus
Mycosphaerella suberosa associated with corky leaf spots on Eucalyptus in Brazil.
The genetics of corky; the New World alleles and their possible role as an interspecific isolating mechanism.
Variables associated with corky root and phytophthora root rot of tomatoes in organic and conventional farms.
Properties of a filamentous virus isolated from grapevines affected by corky bark
The genetics of ' Corky', II. Further studies on its genetic basis in relation to the general problem of interspecific isolating mec...
Stephens, S. G. The genetics of 'corky'. II. Further studies on its genetic basis in relation to the general problem of interspecifi...
Efficacy of acibenzolar-S-methyl and two strobilurins, azoxystrobin and trifloxystrobin, for the control of corky root of tomato and...