用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- correct account正确的说明
- correct answer正确的答案
- correct calculation精确的计算
- correct conduct端正行为
- correct decision正确的决定
- correct dress得体的服装
- correct explanation正确的解释
- correct exposure适当的曝光
- correct figure正确的数字
- correct grinding精磨
- correct judgement准确的判断
- correct level校正水准
- correct line正确路线
- correct manner适当的举止
- correct mixture适当混合
- correct oil合格油
- correct thing正事,应该的事
- correct time正确的时间,合适的时间
- correct usage正确的用法
- correct young man品行端正的年轻人
副词+~- quite correct相当正确
- absolutely correct绝对正确
- absurdly correct正确得不合情理
- approximately correct大体上正确
- avidly correct渴望正确
- completely correct完全正确
- dependably correct绝对可靠
- entirely correct全部正确
- fashionably correct适于流行的
- formally correct形式上正确
- habitually correct习惯性正确
- infallibly correct一贯正确
- insatiably correct满足于一贯正确
- insistently correct坚持正确
- mathematically correct绝对正确
- meticulously correct细致正确
- ordinarily correct(行为)正常适度
- ostentatiously correct炫耀正确
- partially correct部分正确
- pompously correct夸大正确
- positively correct确信正确
- pretentiously correct正确而骄傲
- rigidly correct一贯正确
- stiffly correct绝对正确
- strictly correct绝对正确
- uncannily correct正确得不可思议
- uncompromisingly correct正确得无懈可击
~+介词- correct in...(…是)正确的
- correct in one's thinking思想正确
- correct to zero point精确到零点
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- correct a child训斥孩子
- correct a mistake改正错误
- correct compositions改作文
- correct errors改正错误
- correct examination papers批改试卷
- correct exercises改作业
- correct grammar改语法
- correct homework批改作业
- correct one's fault改正过错
- correct one's pronunciation纠正发音
- correct one's watch对表
- correct pain消除疼痛
- correct the answer sheets批改答题
- correct the proof校对清样
- correct the sheets校正清样
- correct the spelling纠正拼写错误
~+副词- correct adequately适当地修改
- correct agreeably令人愉快地纠正
- correct carefully用心地校阅
- correct casually马马虎虎地校阅
- correct constructively建设性的修改
- correct courteously客客气气地修改
- correct crudely粗糙地修改,残酷地惩罚
- correct dependably有根据地纠正
- correct desperately拼命地矫正
- correct formally正规地纠正
- correct grammatically在语法上做修正
- correct harshly严厉地训斥
- correct hastily草率地批阅
- correct helpfully有益地修改
- correct immediately立即修改
- correct infallibly确实可靠地修改
- correct painstakingly细心地修改
- correct reasonably适度地纠正
- correct rudely粗暴地训斥
- correct sharply严厉地训斥
- correct sincerely诚恳地加以修改
- correct strictly严格地纠正
- correct sufficiently充分地修改
- correct tactfully得体地修改
~+介词- correct...by靠…校正或惩罚
- correct sb's watch by the time signal按报时信号校正某人的表
- correct for做…修正
- correct to改正为
correcting circuit校正电路
correcting device校正装置;校准设备
- Your answer to the question is correct.
你对这个问题的回答是正确的。 - So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.
到目前为止,还没有得出任何正确的结论。 - Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.
- Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.
如果下列句子中有错,请改正。 - She criticizes him. She is trying to correct his bad habits.
Near Shannon Limit Error-Correcting Coding and Decoding: Turbo-Code
Near Shannon Limit Error-Correcting Coding and Decoding, Turbo-Codes
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding : turbo-codes
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding : Turbo-cedes
Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions and reversals
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes. 1
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes. 1
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding : Turbo code (1)
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding : Turbo-codes (1)
micro - checker : software for identifying and correcting genotyping errors in microsatellite data