corrective action n. 校正动作
corrective maintenance故障检修;维修保养;[自]出错维修;安全改进维护
corrective action plan纠正措施计划;纠正性行动计划
- The teacher's action was corrective rather than instructional.
老师的行为与其说是指导,还不如说是纠正错误。 - A correction can be made in conjunction with a corrective action.
纠正可连同纠正措施一起实施。 - The criminals were sent to prison for corrective punishment.
罪犯被关进监狱接受惩罚,以改过自新。 - Corrective exercises will make weak muscles strong.
矫正运动能使衰弱的肌肉强壮。 - declare generally
- Glasses are a corrective for faulty vision.
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