'I totally agree with him' — NATO secretary cosigns Trump's demands for more spendingCosign feature of medical note-taking softwareCoSIGN: A Parallel Algorithm for Coordinated Traffic Signal ControlDesign of a 18T Canted-Cosign-Theta Superconducting Dipole MagnetCosign: A Fictitious Play Algorithm for Coordinated Traffic Signal ControlTest Results of CCT1 - a 2.4T Canted-Cosign-Theta Dipole MagnetDesign of a Canted-Cosign-Theta Superconducting Dipole Magnet for Future CollidersTo cosign or not to cosign: what managers need to considerCOSIGN - developing an optical software controlled data plane for future large-scale datacenter networks4 Signs You Shouldn't Cosign that Student Loan