- What medicine treats the neuritis between costal region?
Action of costal and crural parts of the diaphragm on the rib cage in dog.
KIF27 is one of orthologs for Drosophila Costal-2.
Repair of sheep articular cartilage defects with a rabbit costal perichondrial graft
Growth requirements of low‐density rabbit costal chondrocyte cultures maintained in serum‐free medium
Effect of exogenous extracellular matrices on proteoglycan synthesis by cultured rabbit costal chondrocytes
Sulfated Proteoglycan Synthesis by Confluent Cultures of Rabbit Costal Chondrocytes Grown in the Presence of Fibroblast Growth Factor
Comparative study of the reconstruction of articular cartilage defects with free costal perichondrial grafts and free tibial periost...
Hedgehog Signal Transduction via Smoothened Association with a Cytoplasmic Complex Scaffolded by the Atypical Kinesin, Costal-2.
The importance of global parsimony and historical bias in understanding tetrapod evolution. Part II. Vertebral centrum, costal venti...
Suzuki MT, Rappé MS, Giovannoni SJ.. Kinetic bias in estimate of costal picoplankton community structure obtained by measurements o...