Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)The Cowbird (M. Ater) and the Cuckoo (C. Canorus)Egg Rejection by Cowbird Hosts in GrasslandsCowbird parasitism and nest predation in fragmented grasslands in southwestern ManitobaNest desertion and cowbird parasitism: evidence for evolved responses and evolutionary lag ☆The time of day of egg laying by the Brown-headed Cowbird and other icterinesFemale visual displays affect the development of male song in the cowbirdPerch Proximity Correlates with Higher Rates of Cowbird Parasitism of Ground Nesting Song SparrowsThe function and evolution of aggressive host behavior towards the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater)Evolutionary lag versus bill-size constraints: a comparative study of the acceptance of cowbird eggs by old hosts