Criollo, mestizo, mulato, LatiNegro, indigena, white, or black? The US...
Changes in key aroma compounds of Criollo cocoa beans during roasting
Caracterización genética del Cerdo Criollo Cubano con microsatélites
Ticks infesting body regions of Tropical Milking Criollo cattle in Veracruz, México.
Criollo, mestizo, mulato, LatiNegro, indigena, white, or black? The US Hispanic/Latino population and multiple responses in the 2000...
Phenotypic differentiation of exterior traits in local Criollo goat population in Patagonia (Argentina)
The influence of peers, lineage and environment on food selection of the criollo goat ( Capra hircus )
Effects of genotype and slaughter weight on the meat quality of Criollo Cordobes and Anglonubian kids produced under extensive feedi...
Carcass characteristics, fatty acid composition, and meat quality of Criollo Argentino and Braford steers raised on forage in a semi...
The effect of supplementary feeding on the resilience and resistance of browsing Criollo kids against natural gastrointestinal nemat...