- The young leader was in full flower when he was struck down by a crippling disease.
这个年轻的领导人正值其事业到达顶峰之时,被一种致人残废的病症折磨倒了。 - Strikes were as crippling as taxes.
罢工如同重税一样造成损害。 - The high unemployment rate has a crippling effect on the economy.
Crippling HIV one mutation at a time
Crippling Virus Set to Conquer Western Hemisphere
Crippling deformities in Spanish toxic epidemic syndrome
Crippling lung disease after measles and adenovirus infection.
Crippling of CD3-zeta ITAMs does not impair T cell receptor signaling
The crippling consequences of fractures and their impact on quality of life.
Prediction of web crippling strength of cold-formed steel sheetings using neural networks
20 – Nonlinear optics in communications : From crippling impairment to ultrafast tools
Introduction. Poverty and disability in the Third World: the crippling effects of Underdevelopment.
Anomalous fluoride in groundwater from western part of Sirohi district, Rajasthan and its crippling effects on human health