- It has been used to developed several crossbreed with obvious heterosis.
- English breed of compact domestic fowl is raised primarily to crossbreed to produce roasters.
Carcass and meat quality traits of four commercial pig crossbreeds in ChinaGrowth of lambs of crossbreeds of Romanov, Suffolk and Charollais breeds - effect of sex, litter size and season.Quality of goat meat from purebred French Alpine kids and Boer crossbreedsEGG PRODUCTION PERFORMANCES OF A BREED AND THREE CROSSBREEDS UNDER SEMI SCAVENGING SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENTChemical composition of pig meat from the genetic type 'Casertana' and its crossbreedsContraceptive effect of proligestone on spotted seals and crossbreeds of spotted seals and harbor seals.Significance of storage time on degree of blooming and colour stability of pork loin from different crossbreedsPUBLIC AND PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN MALAYSIA: COMPETING, COMPLEMENTARY OR CROSSBREEDS AS EDUCATION PROVIDERSSignificance of early postmortem temperature and pH decline on colour characteristics of pork loin from different crossbreeds.Patterns of cell proliferation and apoptosis by topographic region in normal Bos taurus vs. Bos indicus crossbreeds bovine placentae...