- The other key technique in using an on-train GPR deals with the estimation and elimination of the influence of reinforcing steel bar in the cement crosstie.
CrosstieCrosstieCrosstieElastomeric railroad crosstieNéel and CrossTie Wall Energies for Planar Micromagnetic ConfigurationsDynamic Analysis of Resilient Crosstie Track for Transit SystemThe concept and initial studies of a crosstie random access memory (CRAM)Feasibility Study of Prototype GFRP-Reinforced Wood Railroad CrosstieFrequency-scanning antenna using the crosstie-overlay slow-wave structures as transmission linesModeling and optimal design of composite-reinforced wood railroad crosstieConfirmation of slow-waves in a crosstie overlay coplanar waveguide and its applications to band-reject gratings and reflectors /Repulsive Interaction of Néel Walls, and the Internal Length Scale of the CrossTie WallInvestigation of the Dynamic Frictional Properties of a Concrete Crosstie Rail Seat and Pad and Its Effect on Rail Seat Deterioratio...