- Shall we have a cuppa?
Salivary gland apyrase in black flies (Simulium vittatum)
[Spanish adaptation of the Scale to Asses Unawareness of Mental Disorder (SUMD)]
Spanish adaptation of the Markova and Berrios Insight scale.
Nonlinear absorption properties and excited state dynamics of ferrocene
Filtration Coefficient and Hydraulic Permeability of Nafion 125 Membranes in Metal Alkali Solutions
Large excited state two photon absorptions in the near infrared region of surprisingly stable radical cations of (ferrocenyl)indenes.
Technological quality and chemical composition of puffed grains from einkorn ( Triticum monococcum L. subsp. monococcum ) and bread...
Ion chromatographic determination of phosphorus soluble in different extracting media in fertilizers
Asaia, a versatile acetic acid bacterial symbiont, capable of cross‐colonizing insects of phylogenetically distant genera and orders
Interfacial behaviour of dinonylnaphthalenesulfonic acid at the toluene-HClO 4 interface