- The modern clinical use of curare probably dates from 1932.
Über Curare-Alkaloide aus CalebassenTHE USE OF CURARE IN GENERAL ANESTHESIA.Presynaptic action of curare.A Study of Curare Action with an Electrical Micro-MethodA re-examination of curare action at the motor endplate.Recovery of airway protection compared with ventilation in humans after paralysis with curare.Über weitere aus Calebassen isolierte quartäre Alkaloide. 11 Mitteilung über Curare-Alkaloide aus CalebassenOculoparalytic illusion: visual-field dependent spatial mislocalizations by humans partially paralyzed with curareBiosynthesis of intestinal mucin in shock: relationship to tryptic hemorrhagic enteritis and permeability to curareMolecular dissection of subunit interfaces in the acetylcholine receptor: identification of residues that determine curare selectivi...