curtatecurtateAgeing Properties of Curtate Future Life TimeThe Curtate Cycloid Illusion: Cognitive Constraints on the Processing of Rolling MotionConstraints on the processing of rolling motion: the curtate cycloid illusionNovel Cyclorotor Pitching Mechanism for Operation at Curtate and Prolate Advance RatiosNovel Cyclorotor Pitching Mechanism for Operation at Curtate and Prolate Advance RatiosTooth Profile Equation Solution and Automatic Modeling for the Roller Sprocket of Curtate Epicycloid on the Strength of Language CEnergetic assessment of the Suzuki–Miyaura reaction: a curtate life cycle assessment as an easily understandable and applicable too...Visual Comparison of Ensemble Averaged Transverse Arching Profiles of Golden Age Cremonese Violins and Curtate Cycloid Curves