Convergence of digital and traditional forensic disciplines: a first exemplary study for digital dactyloscopyUtility of cheiloscopy, rugoscopy, and dactyloscopy for human identification in a defined cohort.FINGERPRINTS (DACTYLOSCOPY) | Chemistry of Print Residue - Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences[Genome "dactyloscopy". Characteristics of the human cloned sequence JIN 600 in vector M13 with properties of highly polymorphic DNA...Legally compatible design of digital dactyloscopy in future surveillance scenariosIdentificação biométrica de recém-nascidos / Biometric identification of newborns ####Comparative analysis between dactyloscopy ...Protistology Genomic dactyloscopy of Chlorella sp ., symbionts of Paramecium bursariaFINGERPRINTS (DACTYLOSCOPY) | Identification and ClassificationFINGERPRINTS (DACTYLOSCOPY) | Standards of ProofFINGERPRINTS (DACTYLOSCOPY) | Sequential Treatment and Enhancement