- In fact, she has begun to solve the constituent structural frame with daedal Yahoo, control this to plant desultorily culture.
Daedal Candler千面烛台Parker Daedal CatalogueOrphic Song with Daedal HarmonyDaedalon: A Revolutionary Morphing Spacecraft Design for Planetary ExplorationA Tyrosinase Inhibitor, Daedalin A, from Mycelial Culture of Daedalea dickinsiiConstituents of the fungi Daedalea quercina and Daedaleopsis confragosa var. tricolorDaedalon: A Revolutionary Morphing Spacecraft Design for Planetary Exploration - 1st Space Exploration Conference: Continuing the Vo...The Immuno-Modulatory and Antitumor Effects of Crude Polysaccharides Extracted from Daedaleopsis tricolorPurification, Structure Determination and Biological Activities of 20(29)-lupen-3-one from Daedaleopsis tricolor (Bull. ex Fr.) Bond...Unravelling the Phellinus pini s.l. complex in North America: a multilocus phylogeny and differentiation analysis of Porodaedalea