- Though he knew quite well what he was doing he pretended to be still a little daffy.
尽管很清楚自己在干什么,他却装出有点痴笨的样子。 - Kelly was acting daffy because she was so happy.
Harriette Tarler
Ain't That Ducky
Treatment of staphylococcal prosthetic joint infections with debridement, prosthesis retention and oral rifampicin and fusidic acid
Risk factors for prosthetic hip and knee infections according to arthroplasty site.
Ovulation of aged follicles does not affect embryo quality or fertility after a 14-day progestagen estrus synchronization protocol i...
Gram-negative prosthetic joint infection treated with debridement, prosthesis retention and antibiotic regimens including a fluoroqu...
The parafasciculus thalami as a site for mediating the antinociceptive response to GABAergic drugs
Outcome of Debridement and Retention in Prosthetic Joint Infections by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococci, with Special Reference t...