Degradation of terrestrially derived macromolecules in the Amazon RiverThe compositional evolution of dissolved and particulate organic matter along the lower Amazon River—Óbidos to the oceanThe reactivity of plant‐derived organic matter and the potential importance of priming effects along the lower Amazon RiverEvaluation of Primary Production in the Lower Amazon River Based on a Dissolved Oxygen Stable Isotopic Mass BalanceEnvironmental factors controlling seasonal morph determination in the small copper butterfly, Lycaena phlaeas daimio SeitzSo-called Territorial Behaviour of the Small Copper, Lycaena phlaeas daimio SEITZ (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) :PHOTOPERIOD AS A FACTOR CAUSING SEASONAL FORMS IN LYCAENA PHLAEAS DAIMIO SEITZ (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) :Seasonal Fluctuations of Population Size in the Small Copper Butterfly,Lycaena phlaeas daimio Seitz and Their Causal StudyBionomics and Control of Daimio tethys mooreiSeasonal plasticity of the small copper butterfly Lycaena phlaeas daimio Seitz