- I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular.
Nanotube Skyscrapers And DaisiesRadiation of southern African daisies: biogeographic inferences for subtribe Arctotidinae (Asteraceae, Arctotideae).Erratum: Biodiversity in the New Zealand divaricating tree daisies: Olearia sect. Nov. (Compositae)Ancient allopolyploidy in the everlasting daisies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae): Complex relationships among extant cladesPhylogeny of the Spiny African Daisies (Compositae, tribe Arctotideae, subtribe Gorteriinae) based on trnL-F, ndhF, and ITS sequence...Cape diversification and repeated out-of-southern-Africa dispersal in paper daisies (Asteraceae–Gnaphalieae)Phylogenetic position of Mediterranean Astereae and character evolution of daisies (Bellis, Asteraceae) inferred from nrDNA ITS sequ...The Effect of Temperature, Light and Gibberellic Acid (Ga3) on the Germination of Australian Everlasting Daisies (Asteraceae, Tribe ...A novel mating system analysis for modes of self-oriented mating applied to diploid and polyploid arctic Easter daisies (Townsendia ...The promiscuous and the chaste: frequent allopolyploid speciation and its genomic consequences in American daisies (Melampodium sect...