Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani Damping-Off of Tomato with Bacillus subtilis RB14.Suspension of Pythium ultimum-induced damping-off of cotton seedlings by Pseudomonas fluorescens and its antibiotic, pyoluteorin.Induction of systemic resistance to Pythium damping-off in cucumber plants by benzothiadiazole: ultrastructure and cytochemistry of...Involvement of Pyochelin and Pyoverdin in Suppression of Pythium-Induced Damping-Off of Tomato by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2.Possible role of competition for nutrients in biocontrol of Pythium damping-off by bacteria.The role of microbial activity in suppression of damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum.Biological control of Pythium damping-off of cotton with seed-coating preparations of Gliocladium virens.Microbial activity and biomass in container media for predicting suppressiveness to damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum.Biological Control of Damping-Off of Alfalfa Seedlings with Bacillus cereus UW85Microbial Properties of Composts That Suppress Damping-Off and Root Rot of Creeping Bentgrass Caused by Pythium graminicola.