- For a while,the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds.
隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。 - The most darkling change is the origin problem of baleful software.
The role of macromolecular antifreeze in the darkling beetle, Meracantha contracta
Relationship of Campylobacter Isolated from Poultry and from Darkling Beetles in New Zealand
Evaluations of sampling methods for darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) in the litter of turkey and broiler houses.
Individual Movements and Estimation of Population Size in Darkling Beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
Feeding behavior and growth of turkey poults fed larvae of the darkling beetle, Alphitobius diaperinus.
Transmission of Eimeria, Viruses, and Bacteria to Chicks: Darkling Beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) as Vectors of Pathogens
Differentiation of beauveria bassiana isolates from the darkling beetle, alphitobius diaperinus, using isozyme and RAPD analyses
Microhabitat Use and Community Structure of Darkling Beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in Shortgrass Prairie: Effects of Season Sh...
Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation and phylogeography of Pimelia darkling beetles on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands).
Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny and sequential colonization of Canary Islands by darkling beetles of the genus Pimelia (Tenebrionidae).