Que PASA? The posterior-anterior shift in agingTask-independent and task-specific age effects on brain activity during working memory, visual attention and episodic retrieval.Studies on glucosaminidase. 3. Testicular N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and N-acetyl-beta-galactosaminidase.Studies on glucosaminidase. 5. Kidney N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and N-acetyl-beta-galactosaminidaseTriple dissociation in the medial temporal lobes: recollection, familiarity, and noveltyStudies on Glucosaminidase 6. N-ACETYL-P-GLUCOSAMINIDASE AND N-ACETYL-f3-GALACTOSAMINIDASE ACTIVITIESEffects of healthy aging on hippocampal and rhinal memory functions: an event-related fMRI studyDaselaar SM, Fleck MS, Cabeza R. Triple dissociation in the medial temporal lobes: recollection, familiarity, and noveltyWhen less means more: deactivations during encoding that predict subsequent memoryNeural correlates of relational memory: successful encoding and retrieval of semantic and perceptual associations.