Contact lens date storage containerEffect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on Deglet Nour date storage in TunisiaRoot growth potential, first-year survival, and growth of shortleaf pine seedlings show effects of lift date, storage, and family.Influence of apple bloom date on maturity and storage quality of 'Starking Delicious' apples.Internal browning of potatoes as affected by date of planting and storageCMOS sensor array with cell–level analog–to–digital conversion for local probe date storageEffects of harvest date, maturity and storage intervals on postharvest quality of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade)Study of Molecular Electronic Date Storage Based on NanoscaleStorage of date pollen.WAKTU PANEN DAN PENYIMPANAN PASCA PANEN UNTUK MEMPERTAHANKAN MUTU UMBI KENTANG OLAHAN HARVESTING DATE AND POSTHARVEST STORAGE IN ORD...