- Therefore, we can relize the positive and negative of current situation through datums and materials.
因此对于自我的现状通过数据,资料有正反两面的认识。 - Therefore, we can relize the positive and negative of current situation through datums and materials.
Datums and Map Projections: for Remote Sensing, GIS and Surveying
Height systems and vertical datums: A review in the Australian context
Unification of vertical datums by GPS and gravimetric geoid models using modified stokes formula
Unification of vertical datums by GPS and gravimetric geoid models with application to Fennoscandia
Separation between reference surfaces of selected vertical datums
A Global Vertical Reference Frame Based on Four Regional Vertical Datums
Unification of New Zealand’s local vertical datums: iterative gravimetric quasigeoid computations
The relationship of smooth cordgrass ( Spartina alterniflora ) to tidal datums: A review
Magnetostratigraphic calibration of Southern Ocean diatom datums from the Eocene-Oligocene of Kerguelen Plateau (Ocean Drilling Prog...
Paleoceanographic and biogeographic evolution of the Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic, and Cenozoic microfossil datums