Notes on the Action of Atropine, Hyoscyamine, Hyoscine, Scopolamine, Duboisine, and DaturineCRYSTALS OF DATURINE OBTAINED FROM THE URINE,[DATURINE POISONING].CRYSTALS OF DATURINE OBTAINED FROM THE URINE, : TAKEN FROM THE BLADDER, AT THE POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION OF A MAN POISONED WITH STRAMO...THE DIRECT ACTION OF ATROPINE, HOMATROPINE, HYOSCINE, HYOSCYAMINE, AND DATURINE ON THE HEART OF THE DOG, TERRAPIN, AND FROG.Concepts as representations and as rulesA Contribution to the Chemistry of Solasonine and Some Solanum SpeciesUrineweginfecties bij de man: cystitis, acute prostatitis, pyelonefritisDirect Agglutination Test and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay with Urine Samples for the Diagnosis of Visceral Leishma-niasisBotanical herbicide