[Is the obligation to declare feed components and to give the day of production legal? Note on the judgment]. [German]In Japan, the Women Give the Chocolates: Candy Firms Create Day of `Obligation'CELEBRATING THE SABBATH DAY SIX: JEWS BELIEVE THE DAY OF REST IS AN OBLIGATION AND A GIFT.(DAILY BREAK)Divine Authority and Perpetual Obligation of the Lord's Day,Holy Day of ObligationHoly Day of ObligationIt's a Sin Not to Vote: The First Tuesday in November Should Be a Holy Day of Obligation-At the Polls. Even When There's No Candidat...3 Kings Ends Long Xmas Season; Epiphany Celebrated on 1st Sunday after New Year Feast of Three Kings a Holy Day of ObligationFrom sin to purge because of the fornication in the day of obligation (ms. Mingana Chr. Ar. 92)Ready, Steady, Report! Entry Into Force of Reporting Obligation Under EMIR on February 12