- She stared out of the windows, lost in daydreams.
- I sometimes daydream in math class.
我有时会在数学课上做白日梦。 - He sat in the classroom, daydreaming about the holidays.
Daydream styles and sleep disturbance.
Daydream patterns and self-awareness in psychiatric patients
Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power
Imagery and daydream methods in psychotherapy and behavior modification
It Began with a Daydream: The 150th Anniversary of the Kekulé Benzene Structure
In and out of a daydream: attachment orientations, daily couple interactions, and sexual fantasies
How daydreaming relates to life satisfaction, loneliness, and social support: The importance of gender and daydream content
Is precision farming an engineer's daydream or nightmare, an animal's friend or foe, and a farmer's panacea or pitfall? (Keynote spe...
Is precision livestock farming an engineer's daydream or nightmare, an animal's friend or foe, and a farmer's panacea or pitfall