  • abbr.

    con direct current-direct current conversion 直流-直流变换(科技符号);

  • 学习怎么用


    Cascaded DC-DC converter connection of photovoltaic modules
    A monolithic current-mode CMOS DC-DC converter with on-chip current-sensing technique
    High-frequency digital PWM controller IC for DC-DC converters
    Cascaded DC-DC converter connection of photovoltaic modules
    High-efficiency, high step-up DC-DC converters
    A new ZVS bidirectional DC-DC converter for fuel cell and battery application
    Integrated CMOS DC-DC converter implementation in low-voltage CMOS technology using LDO regulator
    Current-sensing techniques for DC-DC converters
    A novel ZVS-ZCS bidirectional DC-DC converter for fuel cell and battery application
    Modeling of chaotic DC-DC converters by iterated nonlinear mappings