Does DEALE-ing stack the deck?DEALE-ing with lung cancer and heart failure.DEALE-ing with Life Expectancy and Mortality RatesDEALE-ing and discounting: a simple way to compute the accrued costs of preventive strategies.What to do when the patient outlives the literature, or DEALE-ing with a full deckA convenient approximation of life expectancy (the "DEALE"). I. Validation of the methodA convenient approximation of life expectancy (the DEALE): 1 Validation of the method, and 2 Use in medical decision makingMIT Sloan School of Management Dealer Hoarding , Sales Push and Seed Returns : Characterizing the Interdependency between Dealer Inc...Always on the move: never setting for second-best, Curtis Lumber continues its track record of success by pushing the pro dealer lim...Eye Witness: `Friends, Romans, Lifers, Lend Me Your Ears' - Shakespeare Plays the Nick ; the Bard Goes to Jail an Ecstasy Dealer Tak...