Pellet processor for frozen dealfishLIII.—A new dealfish from South AfricaLIII.âA new dealfish from South AfricaAdditional Information on the Biology of the Dealfish, Trachypterus ishikawai Jordan & SnyderOBSERVATIONS ON THE DEALFISH, TRACHIPTERUS ISHIKAWAI JORDAN & SNYDER, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF ITS PARASITESHistological observations on the testes of dealfish (Lampridiformes) stranded on the coast of Niigata District, Sea of JapanOn the occurrence of Dealfish Trachipterus nigrifrons Smith (Trachipterdroae : Pisces) off VizhinjamDeal-Fish Trachipterus arcticus (Brunnich, 1771)Deal-Fish Trachipterus arcticus (Brünnich, 1771)Letter on the Deal‐fish, from Dr. Duguid to Dr. Barker. Communicated