Death WishDeath wishDeath WishCheckpoints of dueling dimers foil death wishes.Check points of dueling dimers oil death wishesSelf-reported life-weariness, death-wishes, suicidal ideation, suicidal plans and suicide attempts in general population surveys in ...Functional disability and death wishes in older Europeans: results from the EURODEP concerted actionA biblical death-wish: Paul celebrating dying in Phil 1:21Neurotoxic prostaglandin J2 enhances cyclooxygenase-2 expression in neuronal cells through the p38MAPK pathway: a death wish?Death wishes? : The understanding and management of deliberate self-harmGender differences in risk assessment of death wishes and suicidal ideation in the community: results from the KORA Augsburg F3 stud...The relationship between loneliness and passive death wishes in the second half of life.Vauxhallâs post-industrial pleasure gardens: "death wish"and hedonism in 21st-century London